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The 21st Century Marriage Saver

When Hazlett and Irene (Miller) Cochran built what would later become my Edgwood home in 1926, marriage looked quite a bit different than it does today. [read more]

The Pleasure of the Sunday Drive

For my family, our Sunday drives in the 1970s and ‘80s were adventures piloted by my father who generally kept our route to himself as a way of making it seem more like a quest.

I'll Take the Backend of the Grill

My neighbor lives just up the street. In fact, if I leaned pretty far out over my front porch, I could see her house. I figured the grill had wheels, so I’d just roll it on home.

Taking the Cow Path to Culture

“The Cow Path to Culture" (Route 88) is a standing metaphor for much of life in the northern part of the Mountain State and throughout the Appalachian region. [read more]